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Digital Storytelling & Mobile Journalism Workshop 2021

In May 2021, 21 teaching assistants from the journalistic and broadcasting field had the opportunity to participate in AREACORES workshop “Digital storytelling and MObile JOurnalism”, organized under the supervision of Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Shami from the Department of Mass Communication at Qatar University. The online workshop was designed to equip the…

Data Journalism Training – Cairo 2015

During an intensive two-day Training at the Ahram Canadian University in Cairo from December 18th– December 19th participants learned about the possibilities of “Data Journalism”. Lebanese trainer Bahia Halawi taught practical ways how to find, gather, refine and analyze data and eventually use it for journalistic work. 10 junior and…

Teaching Investigative Journalism 2015

In cooperation with MTI Egyptian University, ARIJ Network, AREACORE has arranged a 12 day training course titled “Towards New Approaches in Teaching Investigative Journalism in Arab Universities”, from 3-14 September 2015 in Cairo. Faculty from a number of 7 different Arab universities were present, including Oman, Qatar, Algeria, Palestine, Iraq,…

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