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Poland, 2015. The populist right-wing [Law and Justice (PiS)] party wins both presidential and parliamentary elections. Since then, it got more foreign press attention. Why is it so interesting now? What’s happening there?   Clemens Schöll, media expert, manager of conference, press, trips, background talks, former director of „Medien – Mittler zwischen den Völkern“(Media – Mediators between Nation): “If you ask me about the polarisation of media and society in Poland. If you have a divided society like in Poland, media also have to take or is often taking sides. That is one of the problems that they have a…

How Polish public media collapsed Gabriela Król, 2020   When we hear about state-controlled public television, various images come to our mind – North Korean media, announcements from the times of martial law in communist Poland, or the socialist East Germany „Aktuelle Kamera” news. However, hardly anyone thinks about 21st century and one of the well-developed countries of Western Europe.   To understand the process of the collapse of the independence of Polish public media, we must go back to the 1940s of post-war Poland. The Polish United Workers’ Party, the only party in power, ruled in Poland from 1948…

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