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A film by Sally Farhat, Bianca Halliday, Farah Saati (2020) Supervision: Dr. Claudia Kozman   The October 2019 uprising and the Beirut blast signify a turning point in the history of Lebanon’s political and media systems. The media in the country have historically reflected the local sectarian divides and the regional political tensions. “Al Hadath municipality reclaims Christian land” “The parliament is similar to an action film starring heroes” “The focus today is on the assassination of Prime Minister Rafiq El Hariri” Prior to the 2019 uprising, two eras dominated the media in Lebanon.   Lebanese media scholar Sarah El-Richani…

لبنان بلد أشجارالأرز والجبال البيضاء بوتقة الحضارات في الطرف الشرقي من البحر الأبيض المتوسط حوالي 4.5 مليون لبناني يعيشون في البلاد التي تماثل في حجمها جزيرة جامايكا في البحر الكاريبي . أكثر من 80% من سكانها يتجمعون في المناطق الحضرية. لسنوات عديدة حظيت هذه الدولة الصغيرة بالاحترام الدولي لتنوعها الثقافي. لكنها أيضا كانت منطقة اضطرابات. إن التعددية الدينية في لبنان ،بصفة خاصة ، قد أدت الي نزاعات قاسية في تاريخه. حين بدأت الأزمة السورية في 2011 ، كان لها تأثير هائل علي لبنان. يقدر أن ما بين 1 الي 1.5 مليون سوري قد فروا الي الدولة المجاورة .   آسر…

Elias Fischer, Isabell Kühnel & Jannik Meyenburg Lebanon. The land of the cedars and white Mountains. A cultural melting pot on the East End of the Mediterranean Sea. Around 4.5 million Lebanese are living in the country that is only as big as the caribbean island Jamaica. More than 80 % of the people accumulate in the urban regions. For many years, this small country enjoyed international respect for its multiculturalism. But this has also been a trouble spot (see Little 1996, p. 29-30). Lebanon’s religious diversity, in particular, has led to harsh conflicts in its history (see Tarabulsi  2012,…

Images of Explosions A film by Jana El Amine, Essam Ahmed, and Malisha Baiers Supervision: Dr. Claudia Kozman and Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Shami Two different countries, two different explosions, two different reasons in one scene, one tragedy, and the same agony. The Beirut Twenty Twenty Explosion and the Yemen Sana’a Big Hall Twenty Sixteen explosion are destructive events that shook the capital cities of Lebanon and Yemen. While almost all countries around the world heard about the Beirut explosion, few knew about the Sana’a Hall explosion. Why would pan-Arab media focus on one explosion but not a similar other, considering their…

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